Luke and Me: The Healing Power of Play, Imagination, Storytelling and Love
by Donna Havens, MEd.
"We must open our hearts!"
Luke and Me: The Healing Power of Play, Imagination, Storytelling and Love is a tale of spiritual and psychological reckoning, it is an inspiring account of a crisis that occurs in that space between the first and second half of a life. Painfully facing an empty nest and a failed relationship and trying to hold on to optimism, certainty and hope, a woman encounters a being she knows does not - cannot- exist! She is completely thrown off the course of her life until this being astonishingly begins to lead her to broken places hidden in her own heart, then lovingly, finally to her true self and all she needs to know in order to heal and move forward. This is a story of reconnecting to the awe and mystery of Life. It asks, "What do we really know?" and it answers, "We know that we need family and love and community in order to become our best and most fulfilled selves. Beyond that there are many things we don't know and much to learn and experience, so we should stick around. Life is a grand adventure and each of us is of great importance. If we have closed off our hearts, we must reopen them. The world is counting on us. We must open our hearts!"
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Painting Courtesy of Libby Madden Art
Behind the writing of my book, Luke and Me: The Healing Power of Play, Imagination, Storytelling and Love, I was asking the question - "How do we heal the world"? I explore this further in my next book - Luke and Me and The Mighty Kindness. Inspired and informed by my work with individuals, couples, families, and my own healing journey, The Mighty Kindness further explores the way forward.
My next book - Luke and Me and the Mighty Kindness: How We Heal the World - coming soon.
Painting Courtesy of Libby Madden Art
Behind the writing of my book, Luke and Me: The Healing Power of Play, Imagination, Storytelling and Love, I was asking the question - "How do we heal the world"? I explore this further in my next book - Luke and Me and The Mighty Kindness. Inspired and informed by my work with individuals, couples, families, and my own healing journey, The Mighty Kindness further explores the way forward.
My next book - Luke and Me and the Mighty Kindness: How We Heal the World - coming soon.